We apply the Law through Common Sense
Trebeki offers a legal service based on common sense, cooperation and a deep commitment with the clients and their interests.
Through our continuous training, we try to find innovating solutions for the new needs that technological development imposes to our clients, always under an ethical perspective that gives added value to our professional activity
Our main strength is shared knowledge.
Professionals from differents disciplines and experiences, work as a team to meet your needs in a comprehensive manner and to solve problems in the best possible way.
These are some of the services we provide:
We develop our work always under the principles of honesty,
transparency, cooperation, solidarity, equality, justice and participation.
We are people solving problems of People, with Common Sense as the principal tool.
c/ Juan de Ajuriaguerra nº6- 1º izda
48009, Bilbao – Bizkaia
Telephone: 94 424 15 15
Fax: 94 424 17 52
e-mail: info@ trebeki.org